Thursday, March 30, 2017

I am learning to write simple sentences

In Writing we have been learning lots of things like letters, basic words, and also remembering to do finger spaces between words. 

"I like that I can write some words all by myself" Brooklyn said.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I am learning the attributes of numbers

In Maths we have been looking for numbers in every day situations.  We have been making sets and coming up with different ways to write numbers.

"I made the number 100 writing it with a felt pen.  It's a big number.  You can see 100 in the car."

Sunday, March 5, 2017

I am learning to build my water confidence

I am learning to build my water confidence.

When we go to the swimming pool we do lots of things including safe entry into the pool, getting ourselves wet, blowing bubbles, floating with and without help, gliding and playing fun water games.

Brooklyn said:  I can keep my body straight and kick my legs to get to the other side of the pool.