Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I am learning about rhyming words.

"I learnt about different words when I am reading. It is easy to read some words. The big words are hard to read, and I need to sound them out.  Mrs Wyatt and Rory help me with my reading."

Monday, November 20, 2017

Obstacle Course with Youthtown

"The obstacle course was a lot of fun.  I could go around the poles and step into the ladder on the ground, and still be fast. It was hard to stay inside the monkey bars."

Thursday, November 16, 2017

I am learning to write words with vowels as the middle sound.

"I wrote my Silly Sentence.  Nothing was hard, it was easy.  Mrs Wyatt helped me. I learnt to write lots of words with 'e' in the middle."