Wednesday, November 7, 2018

We Are Learning To write a diamante poem.

We have been learning about Diamante poem's this term. We can:
  • use interesting (adjectives) words
  • compare two topics
  • use verbs (doing) words

"I am learning to write a diamante poem. I find it easy to figure out what girls like doing. I find it tricky to know what boys like doing. "

Monday, November 5, 2018

We Are Learning To use Reading Eggs independently.

"My learning to improve my reading on Reading Eggspress. I find it easy to do the driving tests because you need to listen and then write. I find it tricky to get to higher levels. My goal is to get to lesson 118." Brooklyn

We Are Learning To skip count in 2's, 5's and 10's

I Am Learning To create a wearable piece of art

Wearable Art Showcase 

For the past 2 terms, Room 10 and 11 have been learning about Space. We have been exploring the different planets and the galaxy. We decided for our wearable art piece that we would make galaxy skirts and capes with the planets on it. 

We learnt many different art techniques such as water colouring, flicking of paint, dabbing of paint and blending colours together. It was a long process but are all very proud of the final product!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Maths Olympiad Team

Well done to the Room 10/11 Maths Team for participating in the Year 2 Maths Olympiad! 

We Are Learning To find specific information in the text

"We are learning to find information in the story. I found it easy to understand why cockatoos are not friendly because I know birds are not friendly. I found it tricky to know what the word preens means."

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Am Learning To write a recount

I Am Learning To write a recount about blowing bubbles. 

I will be successful when I have:
  • A title 
  • An introduction
  • Sequence words to begin my sentences
  • Used the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, why)
"We are learning to write a recount about bubbles. I found it easy to use my sequence words. I found it tricky to spell some words."

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

We Are Learning To count in tens to solve subtraction problems.

"We are learning to takeaway tens. I find it easy to takeaway the 3 and 1. I can use my basic facts knowledge to help me. I found nothing tricky. I want to learn how to do higher takeaway problems."

We Are Learning About the features of fiction texts.

"We are learning about fiction stories. We know they have a title, setting, character, problem and solution.  It was tricky to find the author. It was easy to look for the characters and the setting."

Thursday, May 17, 2018

I Am Learning To use describing words

In our school garden we saw lots of lemons. For writing we decided to use our senses to describe the lemon.

We are learning to use describing words in our writing

I will know I have been successful when:
I use some interesting words to describe the lemon

I am learning to use describing words. I find it easy to write the words. I found it tricky to choose the picture."

I Am Learning To show my values on a school trip.

Today all the Year 1 and 2 children went to the Buddhist Temple and participated in lots of different activities. We had so much fun learning about the 3G's. At the end we all got a red horse for showing our values.

1. Do good deeds
2. Say good words
3. Think good thoughts

Saturday, March 24, 2018

We Are Learning To read with fluency and expression.

Every week we learn a new poem that we take home to share with our families. We worked with our group to pick our favourite and practised reading it.

"I am learning that colours name the way we feel. I am proud of reading my part. It can be tricky to read some words."

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I Am Learning To add details to my writing.

"I am learning to add some details. I find it easy to spell my friends names. I found nothing tricky."

Self- portrait 2018

Check out our AMAZING Self Portraits!

We have been learning to sketch our faces using a sketch pencil.

We used our different types of lines (whispering lines, loop the loop lines and skinny lines). Then we went over it in pastels to make them stand out. Lastly, we added some funky glasses to our faces!

Monday, March 5, 2018

We Are Learning How to read the graph and talk about the results.

For Maths we have been learning all about Statistics in Room 11. We have been learning about bar graphs, pie graphs and pictographs. Here is an activity I can do on Mathletics to help me.

"I am learning to read graphs. I find it easy to read the bar graph, it was easy to count up. I find it tricky to do number 4."

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

3R Award Winner

Congratulations Brooklyn!
Winner of our Responsibility Award for always taking care of our environment.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Welcome to my 2018 Learning Journey

This year I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Miss Moston.