Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Maths Olympiad Team

Well done to the Room 10/11 Maths Team for participating in the Year 2 Maths Olympiad! 

We Are Learning To find specific information in the text

"We are learning to find information in the story. I found it easy to understand why cockatoos are not friendly because I know birds are not friendly. I found it tricky to know what the word preens means."

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Am Learning To write a recount

I Am Learning To write a recount about blowing bubbles. 

I will be successful when I have:
  • A title 
  • An introduction
  • Sequence words to begin my sentences
  • Used the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, why)
"We are learning to write a recount about bubbles. I found it easy to use my sequence words. I found it tricky to spell some words."